
May 21


Click any of the links below to read the devotional for the day and verses.


How painful honest words can be! Job 6:25a CSB

The old cliché says, “The truth hurts.” Today’s verse speaks into this idea. Honest words can be painful because they point out areas of shortcoming and weakness. Even though the truth may hurt, it’s often words that you need to hear to move from where you are to where God desires for you to be. Often these words speak into areas in your life that might be blind spots. The thing about blind spots is that you don’t see them as clearly as those around you might see them. Who do you allow to speak into your life? Who has the freedom to speak the truth into your life? It may take some work, but learn to appreciate the honest words. Be thankful for people who love you enough to speak the truth to you.

Job 4 CSB

Eliphaz Speaks

Then Eliphaz the Temanite replied:

2 Should anyone try to speak with you
 when you are exhausted?
 Yet who can keep from speaking?
3 Indeed, you have instructed many
 and have strengthened weak hands.
4 Your words have steadied the one who was stumbling
 and braced the knees that were buckling.
5 But now that this has happened to you,
 you have become exhausted.
 It strikes you, and you are dismayed.
6 Isn’t your piety your confidence,
 and the integrity of your life your hope?
7 Consider: Who has perished when he was innocent?
 Where have the honest been destroyed?
8 In my experience, those who plow injustice
 and those who sow trouble reap the same.
9 They perish at a single blast from God
 and come to an end by the breath of his nostrils.
10 The lion may roar and the fierce lion growl,  but the teeth of young lions are broken.
11 The strong lion dies if it catches no prey,
 and the cubs of the lioness are scattered.

12 A word was brought to me in secret;
 my ears caught a whisper of it.
13 Among unsettling thoughts from visions in the night,
 when deep sleep comes over men,
14 fear and trembling came over me
 and made all my bones shake.
15 I felt a draft on my face,
 and the hair on my body stood up.
16 A figure stood there,
 but I could not recognize its appearance;
 a form loomed before my eyes.
 I heard a whispering voice:
17 “Can a mortal be righteous before God?
 Can a man be more pure than his Maker?”
18 If God puts no trust in his servants
 and he charges his angels with foolishness,
19 how much more those who dwell in clay houses,
 whose foundation is in the dust,
 who are crushed like a moth!
20 They are smashed to pieces from dawn to dusk;
 they perish forever while no one notices.
21 Are their tent cords not pulled up?
 They die without wisdom.

Job 5 CSB

5 Call out! Will anyone answer you?
 Which of the holy ones will you turn to?
2 For anger kills a fool,
 and jealousy slays the gullible.
3 I have seen a fool taking root,
 but I immediately pronounced a curse on his home.
4 His children are far from safety.
 They are crushed at the city gate,
 with no one to rescue them.
5 The hungry consume his harvest,
 even taking it out of the thorns.
 The thirsty pant for his children’s wealth.
6 For distress does not grow out of the soil,
 and trouble does not sprout from the ground.
7 But humans are born for trouble
 as surely as sparks fly upward.

8 However, if I were you, I would appeal to God
 and would present my case to him.
9 He does great and unsearchable things,
 wonders without number.
10 He gives rain to the earth
 and sends water to the fields.
11 He sets the lowly on high,
 and mourners are lifted to safety.
12 He frustrates the schemes of the crafty
 so that they achieve no success.
13 He traps the wise in their craftiness
 so that the plans of the deceptive
 are quickly brought to an end.
14 They encounter darkness by day,
 and they grope at noon
 as if it were night.
15 He saves the needy from their sharp words
 and from the clutches of the powerful.
16 So the poor have hope,
 and injustice shuts its mouth.
17 See how happy is the person whom God corrects;
 so do not reject the discipline of the Almighty.
18 For he wounds but he also bandages;
 he strikes, but his hands also heal.
19 He will rescue you from six calamities;
 no harm will touch you in seven.
20 In famine he will redeem you from death,
 and in battle, from the power of the sword.
21 You will be safe from slander
 and not fear destruction when it comes.
22 You will laugh at destruction and hunger
 and not fear the land’s wild creatures.
23 For you will have a covenant with the stones of the field,
 and the wild animals will be at peace with you.
24 You will know that your tent is secure,
 and nothing will be missing when you inspect your home.
25 You will also know that your offspring will be many
 and your descendants like the grass of the earth.
26 You will approach the grave in full vigor,
 as a stack of sheaves is gathered in its season.

27 We have investigated this, and it is true!
 Hear it and understand it for yourself.

Job 6 CSB

Job’s Reply to Eliphaz

Then Job answered:

2 If only my grief could be weighed
 and my devastation placed with it on the scales.
3 For then it would outweigh the sand of the seas!
 That is why my words are rash.
4 Surely the arrows of the Almighty have pierced me;
 my spirit drinks their poison.
 God’s terrors are arrayed against me.
5 Does a wild donkey bray over fresh grass
 or an ox low over its fodder?
6 Is bland food eaten without salt?
 Is there flavor in an egg white?
7 I refuse to touch them;
 they are like contaminated food.

8 If only my request would be granted
 and God would provide what I hope for:
9 that he would decide to crush me,
 to unleash his power and cut me off!
10 It would still bring me comfort,
 and I would leap for joy in unrelenting pain
 that I have not denied the words of the Holy One.

11 What strength do I have, that I should continue to hope?
 What is my future, that I should be patient?
12 Is my strength that of stone,
 or my flesh made of bronze?
13 Since I cannot help myself,
 the hope for success has been banished from me.

14 A despairing man should receive loyalty from his friends,
 even if he abandons the fear of the Almighty.
15 My brothers are as treacherous as a wadi,
 as seasonal streams that overflow
16 and become darkened because of ice,
 and the snow melts into them.
17 The wadis evaporate in warm weather;
 they disappear from their channels in hot weather.
18 Caravans turn away from their routes,
 go up into the desert, and perish.
19 The caravans of Tema look for these streams.
 The traveling merchants of Sheba hope for them.
20 They are ashamed because they had been confident of finding water.
 When they arrive there, they are disappointed.
21 So this is what you have now become to me.
 When you see something dreadful, you are afraid.
22 Have I ever said, “Give me something”
 or “Pay a bribe for me from your wealth”
23 or “Deliver me from the enemy’s hand”
 or “Redeem me from the hand of the ruthless”?

24 Teach me, and I will be silent.
 Help me understand what I did wrong.
25 How painful honest words can be!
 But what does your rebuke prove?
26 Do you think that you can disprove my words
 or that a despairing man’s words are mere wind?
27 No doubt you would cast lots for a fatherless child
 and negotiate a price to sell your friend.

28 But now, please look at me;
 I will not lie to your face.
29 Reconsider; don’t be unjust.
 Reconsider; my righteousness is still the issue.
30 Is there injustice on my tongue
 or can my palate not taste disaster?

Job 7 CSB

7 Isn’t each person consigned to forced labor on earth?
 Are not his days like those of a hired worker?
2 Like a slave he longs for shade;
 like a hired worker he waits for his pay.
3 So I have been made to inherit months of futility,
 and troubled nights have been assigned to me.
4 When I lie down I think,
 “When will I get up?”
 But the evening drags on endlessly,
 and I toss and turn until dawn.
5 My flesh is clothed with maggots and encrusted with dirt.
 My skin forms scabs and then oozes.

6 My days pass more swiftly than a weaver’s shuttle;
 they come to an end without hope.
7 Remember that my life is but a breath.
 My eye will never again see anything good.
8 The eye of anyone who looks on me
 will no longer see me.
 Your eyes will look for me, but I will be gone.
9 As a cloud fades away and vanishes,
 so the one who goes down to Sheol will never rise again.
10 He will never return to his house;
 his hometown will no longer remember him.

11 Therefore I will not restrain my mouth.
 I will speak in the anguish of my spirit;
 I will complain in the bitterness of my soul.
12 Am I the sea or a sea monster,
 that you keep me under guard?
13 When I say, “My bed will comfort me,
 and my couch will ease my complaint,”
14 then you frighten me with dreams,
 and terrify me with visions,
15 so that I prefer strangling—
 death rather than life in this body.
16 I give up! I will not live forever.
 Leave me alone, for my days are a breath.

17 What is a mere human, that you think so highly of him
 and pay so much attention to him?
18 You inspect him every morning,
 and put him to the test every moment.
19 Will you ever look away from me,
 or leave me alone long enough to swallow?
20 If I have sinned, what have I done to you,
 Watcher of humanity?
 Why have you made me your target,
 so that I have become a burden to you?
21 Why not forgive my sin
 and pardon my iniquity?
 For soon I will lie down in the grave.
 You will eagerly seek me, but I will be gone.

Psalm 136 CSB

God’s Love Is Eternal

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
 His faithful love endures forever.
2 Give thanks to the God of gods.
 His faithful love endures forever.
3 Give thanks to the Lord of lords.
 His faithful love endures forever.
4 He alone does great wonders.
 His faithful love endures forever.
5 He made the heavens skillfully.
 His faithful love endures forever.
6 He spread the land on the waters.
 His faithful love endures forever.
7 He made the great lights:
 His faithful love endures forever.
8 the sun to rule by day,
 His faithful love endures forever.
9 the moon and stars to rule by night.
 His faithful love endures forever.
10 He struck the firstborn of the Egyptians
 His faithful love endures forever.
11 and brought Israel out from among them
 His faithful love endures forever.
12 with a strong hand and outstretched arm.
 His faithful love endures forever.
13 He divided the Red Sea
 His faithful love endures forever.
14 and led Israel through,
 His faithful love endures forever.
15 but hurled Pharaoh and his army into the Red Sea.
 His faithful love endures forever.
16 He led his people in the wilderness.
 His faithful love endures forever.
17 He struck down great kings
 His faithful love endures forever.
18 and slaughtered famous kings—
 His faithful love endures forever.
19 Sihon king of the Amorites
 His faithful love endures forever.
20 and Og king of Bashan—
 His faithful love endures forever.
21 and gave their land as an inheritance,
 His faithful love endures forever.
22 an inheritance to Israel his servant.
 His faithful love endures forever.
23 He remembered us in our humiliation
 His faithful love endures forever.
24 and rescued us from our foes.
 His faithful love endures forever.
25 He gives food to every creature.
 His faithful love endures forever.
26 Give thanks to the God of heaven!
 His faithful love endures forever.

Job 4 CSB

Eliphaz Speaks

Then Eliphaz the Temanite replied:

2 Should anyone try to speak with you
 when you are exhausted?
 Yet who can keep from speaking?
3 Indeed, you have instructed many
 and have strengthened weak hands.
4 Your words have steadied the one who was stumbling
 and braced the knees that were buckling.
5 But now that this has happened to you,
 you have become exhausted.
 It strikes you, and you are dismayed.
6 Isn’t your piety your confidence,
 and the integrity of your life your hope?
7 Consider: Who has perished when he was innocent?
 Where have the honest been destroyed?
8 In my experience, those who plow injustice
 and those who sow trouble reap the same.
9 They perish at a single blast from God
 and come to an end by the breath of his nostrils.
10 The lion may roar and the fierce lion growl,  but the teeth of young lions are broken.
11 The strong lion dies if it catches no prey,
 and the cubs of the lioness are scattered.

12 A word was brought to me in secret;
 my ears caught a whisper of it.
13 Among unsettling thoughts from visions in the night,
 when deep sleep comes over men,
14 fear and trembling came over me
 and made all my bones shake.
15 I felt a draft on my face,
 and the hair on my body stood up.
16 A figure stood there,
 but I could not recognize its appearance;
 a form loomed before my eyes.
 I heard a whispering voice:
17 “Can a mortal be righteous before God?
 Can a man be more pure than his Maker?”
18 If God puts no trust in his servants
 and he charges his angels with foolishness,
19 how much more those who dwell in clay houses,
 whose foundation is in the dust,
 who are crushed like a moth!
20 They are smashed to pieces from dawn to dusk;
 they perish forever while no one notices.
21 Are their tent cords not pulled up?
 They die without wisdom.


Job 5 CSB

5 Call out! Will anyone answer you?
 Which of the holy ones will you turn to?
2 For anger kills a fool,
 and jealousy slays the gullible.
3 I have seen a fool taking root,
 but I immediately pronounced a curse on his home.
4 His children are far from safety.
 They are crushed at the city gate,
 with no one to rescue them.
5 The hungry consume his harvest,
 even taking it out of the thorns.
 The thirsty pant for his children’s wealth.
6 For distress does not grow out of the soil,
 and trouble does not sprout from the ground.
7 But humans are born for trouble
 as surely as sparks fly upward.

8 However, if I were you, I would appeal to God
 and would present my case to him.
9 He does great and unsearchable things,
 wonders without number.
10 He gives rain to the earth
 and sends water to the fields.
11 He sets the lowly on high,
 and mourners are lifted to safety.
12 He frustrates the schemes of the crafty
 so that they achieve no success.
13 He traps the wise in their craftiness
 so that the plans of the deceptive
 are quickly brought to an end.
14 They encounter darkness by day,
 and they grope at noon
 as if it were night.
15 He saves the needy from their sharp words
 and from the clutches of the powerful.
16 So the poor have hope,
 and injustice shuts its mouth.
17 See how happy is the person whom God corrects;
 so do not reject the discipline of the Almighty.
18 For he wounds but he also bandages;
 he strikes, but his hands also heal.
19 He will rescue you from six calamities;
 no harm will touch you in seven.
20 In famine he will redeem you from death,
 and in battle, from the power of the sword.
21 You will be safe from slander
 and not fear destruction when it comes.
22 You will laugh at destruction and hunger
 and not fear the land’s wild creatures.
23 For you will have a covenant with the stones of the field,
 and the wild animals will be at peace with you.
24 You will know that your tent is secure,
 and nothing will be missing when you inspect your home.
25 You will also know that your offspring will be many
 and your descendants like the grass of the earth.
26 You will approach the grave in full vigor,
 as a stack of sheaves is gathered in its season.

27 We have investigated this, and it is true!
 Hear it and understand it for yourself.


Job 6 CSB

Job’s Reply to Eliphaz

Then Job answered:

2 If only my grief could be weighed
 and my devastation placed with it on the scales.
3 For then it would outweigh the sand of the seas!
 That is why my words are rash.
4 Surely the arrows of the Almighty have pierced me;
 my spirit drinks their poison.
 God’s terrors are arrayed against me.
5 Does a wild donkey bray over fresh grass
 or an ox low over its fodder?
6 Is bland food eaten without salt?
 Is there flavor in an egg white?
7 I refuse to touch them;
 they are like contaminated food.

8 If only my request would be granted
 and God would provide what I hope for:
9 that he would decide to crush me,
 to unleash his power and cut me off!
10 It would still bring me comfort,
 and I would leap for joy in unrelenting pain
 that I have not denied the words of the Holy One.

11 What strength do I have, that I should continue to hope?
 What is my future, that I should be patient?
12 Is my strength that of stone,
 or my flesh made of bronze?
13 Since I cannot help myself,
 the hope for success has been banished from me.

14 A despairing man should receive loyalty from his friends,
 even if he abandons the fear of the Almighty.
15 My brothers are as treacherous as a wadi,
 as seasonal streams that overflow
16 and become darkened because of ice,
 and the snow melts into them.
17 The wadis evaporate in warm weather;
 they disappear from their channels in hot weather.
18 Caravans turn away from their routes,
 go up into the desert, and perish.
19 The caravans of Tema look for these streams.
 The traveling merchants of Sheba hope for them.
20 They are ashamed because they had been confident of finding water.
 When they arrive there, they are disappointed.
21 So this is what you have now become to me.
 When you see something dreadful, you are afraid.
22 Have I ever said, “Give me something”
 or “Pay a bribe for me from your wealth”
23 or “Deliver me from the enemy’s hand”
 or “Redeem me from the hand of the ruthless”?

24 Teach me, and I will be silent.
 Help me understand what I did wrong.
25 How painful honest words can be!
 But what does your rebuke prove?
26 Do you think that you can disprove my words
 or that a despairing man’s words are mere wind?
27 No doubt you would cast lots for a fatherless child
 and negotiate a price to sell your friend.

28 But now, please look at me;
 I will not lie to your face.
29 Reconsider; don’t be unjust.
 Reconsider; my righteousness is still the issue.
30 Is there injustice on my tongue
 or can my palate not taste disaster?


Job 7 CSB

7 Isn’t each person consigned to forced labor on earth?
 Are not his days like those of a hired worker?
2 Like a slave he longs for shade;
 like a hired worker he waits for his pay.
3 So I have been made to inherit months of futility,
 and troubled nights have been assigned to me.
4 When I lie down I think,
 “When will I get up?”
 But the evening drags on endlessly,
 and I toss and turn until dawn.
5 My flesh is clothed with maggots and encrusted with dirt.
 My skin forms scabs and then oozes.

6 My days pass more swiftly than a weaver’s shuttle;
 they come to an end without hope.
7 Remember that my life is but a breath.
 My eye will never again see anything good.
8 The eye of anyone who looks on me
 will no longer see me.
 Your eyes will look for me, but I will be gone.
9 As a cloud fades away and vanishes,
 so the one who goes down to Sheol will never rise again.
10 He will never return to his house;
 his hometown will no longer remember him.

11 Therefore I will not restrain my mouth.
 I will speak in the anguish of my spirit;
 I will complain in the bitterness of my soul.
12 Am I the sea or a sea monster,
 that you keep me under guard?
13 When I say, “My bed will comfort me,
 and my couch will ease my complaint,”
14 then you frighten me with dreams,
 and terrify me with visions,
15 so that I prefer strangling—
 death rather than life in this body.
16 I give up! I will not live forever.
 Leave me alone, for my days are a breath.

17 What is a mere human, that you think so highly of him
 and pay so much attention to him?
18 You inspect him every morning,
 and put him to the test every moment.
19 Will you ever look away from me,
 or leave me alone long enough to swallow?
20 If I have sinned, what have I done to you,
 Watcher of humanity?
 Why have you made me your target,
 so that I have become a burden to you?
21 Why not forgive my sin
 and pardon my iniquity?
 For soon I will lie down in the grave.
 You will eagerly seek me, but I will be gone.


Psalm 136 CSB

God’s Love Is Eternal

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
 His faithful love endures forever.
2 Give thanks to the God of gods.
 His faithful love endures forever.
3 Give thanks to the Lord of lords.
 His faithful love endures forever.
4 He alone does great wonders.
 His faithful love endures forever.
5 He made the heavens skillfully.
 His faithful love endures forever.
6 He spread the land on the waters.
 His faithful love endures forever.
7 He made the great lights:
 His faithful love endures forever.
8 the sun to rule by day,
 His faithful love endures forever.
9 the moon and stars to rule by night.
 His faithful love endures forever.
10 He struck the firstborn of the Egyptians
 His faithful love endures forever.
11 and brought Israel out from among them
 His faithful love endures forever.
12 with a strong hand and outstretched arm.
 His faithful love endures forever.
13 He divided the Red Sea
 His faithful love endures forever.
14 and led Israel through,
 His faithful love endures forever.
15 but hurled Pharaoh and his army into the Red Sea.
 His faithful love endures forever.
16 He led his people in the wilderness.
 His faithful love endures forever.
17 He struck down great kings
 His faithful love endures forever.
18 and slaughtered famous kings—
 His faithful love endures forever.
19 Sihon king of the Amorites
 His faithful love endures forever.
20 and Og king of Bashan—
 His faithful love endures forever.
21 and gave their land as an inheritance,
 His faithful love endures forever.
22 an inheritance to Israel his servant.
 His faithful love endures forever.
23 He remembered us in our humiliation
 His faithful love endures forever.
24 and rescued us from our foes.
 His faithful love endures forever.
25 He gives food to every creature.
 His faithful love endures forever.
26 Give thanks to the God of heaven!
 His faithful love endures forever.



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